Minchinhampton Community Hub is continuously looking at ways to reduce the building’s reliance on fossil fuels, improve its green credentials and improve its carbon footprint. The building is gradually becoming more ecologically minded.

None of the work that has been carried would have been possible without a number of successful grants and private donations as outlined below.

PROJECT #1 Community E-Bike

MCH are involved in a new community e bike project being run in conjunction with Transition Stroud. We are pleased to announce that the booking system is now LIVE!

There is a recommended £50 weekly charge, or £80 for two weeks or £10 per day.

If you would like to book an e bike, please follow the link below:



We are thrilled to announce that we hit our target of £35,000 for the Solar Project at Minchinhampton Community Hub.

Installation took place at the end of October 2023.

We are working with Gloucestershire Community Energy Group, (who also worked with Minchinhampton School on their recent solar project.)

This exciting project will improve the carbon footprint of Minchinhampton community and benefit our planet for future generations.

PROJECT #3 Insulation & LED Lighting

Cavity Wall insulation has been installed and the old loft insulation replaced and increased. The old floodlights on the astro turf have also been replaced with energy efficient LED lighting. 

This work was funded by a grant of £4,095.57 from Severn Wye Energy Agency under their Target 2030 Grant Scheme. 

PROJECT #4 The Pop Up Pantry

The Pop-Up Pantry was part of the Minchinhampton Warm Spaces Initiative, set up to support the local community during the winter of 2022/23.  It provided food and toiletries to anyone on a ‘pay as you can’ basis.  Most of the items were donated but were sometimes supplemented by supplies using grant and private funding. 

The pantry is currently funding a food cupboard at Minchinhampton Primary Academy for those who are in need during the summer months. 

Funding came from the following sources:

Stroud District Council - £100

Mid-counties Cooperatives - £500

Minchinhampton Parish Council - £700

Probus Minchinhampton - £160

Minchinhampton Baptist Church - £2,500

Box residents - £280

PROJECT #5 Heat Pumps

New Air to Air Heat pumps are now installed to heat the building.  These will further help to reduce the building’s dependence on energy from fossil fuels. 

For this project, MCH worked with EHS.  The heat pumps have been largely funded by a grant received from the Summerfield Charitable Trust and the remaining funds from MCH reserves, as well as a small amount of community investment.

Please use the links below for further information about the companies who have helped make these projects possible:

Insulation & LED Lighting

Solar PV

Heat Pumps